Library Sections


1. Masculinity

2. Purpose

3. Mindset

4. Productivity / Discipline

5. Hormonal Health (testosterone)

6. Diet

7. Lifestyle

8. Addictions

9. Fitness

10. Philosophy

11. History

12. Religion

13. Science

14. Business

15. The Feminine

16. Brotherhood

17. Leisure

18. Libraries of Androgenia

19. The Restricted Section 🔒

In Diligent Construction

Check back later, I'm working day and night to make this vision into a reality.

1. Masculinity

Embrace the controlled killer within you.


2. Purpose

A man without purpose is a ship without wind. Purpose steers every cell in your body.


3. Mindset

This world is immensely subjective, ensure that you engineer a paradigm that maximises your life.


4. Productivity / Discipline

'A man cannot remake himself without suffering. For he is both the marble and the sculptor.'


5. Hormonal Health (Testosterone)

Your hormonal health dictates whether you fuck or get fucked by the world. Choose wisely.


6. Diet

Plain and simple: you are what you eat.


7. Lifestyle

We are in the greatest adapters planet earth has ever known. If you want high testosterone, you need to live in a fashion that engenders it's secretion.


8. Addictions

Addiction means a consumer buys regularly instead of just once. As we live in a money driven world addictions are ubiquitous and the outcomes of your battle with them decides your fate.


9. Fitness

A man needs a hunt.


10. Philosophy

A man must seek nature's innate laws in a modern world that attempts to hide them.


11. History

Lessons learned in blood are not soon forgotten. So lets remember them.


12. Religion

The enemy forges swords with the spirit of satan, so a man must put on the full armour of God.


13. Science

Delve into the falsifiable.


14. Business

Freedom costs money.


15. The Feminine

Second only to God and his purpose, a man must learn to navigate the unpredictable seas of the feminine.


16. Brotherhood

Iron sharpens iron.


17. Leisure

Inbetween bouts of global conquerance a man may put his feet up. But he must choose his vices wisely.


18. Libraries of Androgenia

Bouts of diligence orchestrated by yours truly, comprised of original Consurge articles.

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19. The Restricted Section

What one finds at the end of the deepest, darkest rabbit holes. Password is potentially available if you ask nicely.

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